In Argentina, a sworn translator is required by law to provide interpretation for contracting parties to a wedding, civil union or registered partnership that do not speak Spanish. Sworn translators have official authority to assist foreigners as language mediators at official ceremonies and trials. Over the past years, I have provided this service as a Sworn Translator of English for couples at their registered partnerships’ ceremonies in the City of Buenos Aires.
Just like for a civil wedding, to register their partnership, a couple who has lived together for at least two years, must apply for a date thirty days in advance and appear before a registry official with two witnesses on that date. Generally, during the ceremony, the official explains the legal scope of and the rights derived from this kind of union, and asks the witnesses, how long they have known the couple. Then the (apparently unavoidable) question for the couple is when they are going to get married, even though by having their partnership registered, a couple is entitled to rights similar to those of married couples, such as sharing the healthcare coverage of one of the parties and being able to enroll to adopt children at the national register.
A whisper in the wedding room
During the ceremony, I sit behind the couple and perform a simultaneous interpretation very quietly, just for the English-speaking party. They may also need me to provide a sight translation of the certificate they are about to sign. In any case, I always make sure that the foreign party hears everything said to them or written on the certificate from me in their native language, and naturally I interpret the foreign party into Spanish if the official asks them any questions. Finally, I sign the certificate, together with the couple and their witnesses, as is also required by law. My duties as a sworn translator finish right there exactly as my collaboration as a photographer starts: these ceremonies often gather a very small audience, so I am happy to portrait them smiling as the tension and formality of the proceedings tone down.
If you are planning to get married or get your partnership registered in the City of Buenos Aires and are looking for a certified translator to fully understand what is said at such an important occasion, please contact me at
Cecilia Palluzzi
Publicado en septiembre de 2019